Power cord effect on turntables

I have a VPI Scoutmaster that is plugged into a Walker Precision Motor Controller. I am using the stock power cables and the Walker is plugged directly into the wall which is on a dedicated circuit with its own ground. I am getting a Shunyata Hydra 8 V2 and I will then plug the Walker into that. My question is, does it matter if I upgrade the power cords on the Walker or the VPI? It would seem to me that since the Walker is precisely regulating the speed and the motor on the VPI is detached, that it shouldn't make a difference. Does anyone with more experience with this have any advice?
>>can say most confidently that upgrading the power cord from the wall to the Walker had a very positive effect to the bass solidity/agility and soundstage solidity as well<<

>>Power cable on the power supply of the motor controller of my TW has been a game changer for me. Lower noise floor, speed, stability all improve.<<

Well, now we have the conflict between 'believers' and nonbelievers..popping up.
When someone ROTFLMAO with a qupte from one who finds the cord does a lot of good..??
give it a Fricken break.
We all have different experiences. Why is it neccessary to insult someone elses?
Try some upgrade power cords and let us know if there is an improvement. You never know for sure unless you try.