Kimber Kable:Spker Cable: Which offers best sound?

Kimber Kable has produced some excellent speaker cable over the years.

Which model offers the "best overall sound" and is the "best value"....8tc; 12tc; or Monacle I?? Can they effectively compete with other high-end speaker cables from Nordost, Analysis Plus, AudioQuest, MIT, etc, etc??
I used Kimber and Nordost. Kimber on a basic system and Nordost on the main system. Nordost Leif series rocks, especially the Purple Flare and Red Dawn which are both 6 element vs 4 element from the White Lightning or LS Blue Heaven. The two companies sound simialr with Kimber being slightly warmer and the Nordost offereing added speed, air and transparency. Both of my systems are based around B&W speakers. The smaller system is 100percent Kimber whiles the other also mixes Transparent, VDH, Cardas and Shunyata due to the six sources.
Banerjba. Thank you for the comparison between the Nordost and Kimber. You are the only person to report on Nordost new Leif series.The major mags don't seem to care about reviewing cables any longer, unless they are super expensive.

The Purple Flair model was recommended by the Nordost the "best value" in the line. However, do you think there is a big difference in the sound quality between them and the new Red Dawn speaker cable?? There is major difference in the price for sure, the RD is $850 more than the PF. The issue for me is whether the Purple Flair will be cable enough for my Acoustic Zen Adagios.And it seems the LS Blue Heaven offers very little over the PF.

I like the idea of a faster more transparent cable, just as long it is equally as musical. Thank you for comments Anything more you can add about the Nordost will be appreciated. BTW, Are you using the Kimber 8tc or the 12tc speaker cable for the smaller system??
I replaced Kimber Select 3035 speaker cable and the top Select interconnect with Crimson Cables at a fraction of the cost. YMMV.
Iv'e had Morrow's SP3 biwire on my mains for about 2yrs and after the burn in they remain consistent after the 400hr or so mark and I know what to expect when I hit play!Burn in is simple use white noise for 12hrs on and 30 min off this takes no time at all given its 400 hrs, plus after the 70hr dip they are listenable. I also have the MA3 xlr and like them better than AQ's Columbia from preamp to amp, Now I did just order another set of MA3 xlr's to run from my Oppo 95 to preamp to see if the Columbia's where adding or subtracting from the sound but as it stands the current configuration is very good! But to hear the Morrow's through out will settle my curiosity!
I had Kimber 12tc as well as Monicle which is better Teflon jacket
The Analysis Plus Solo Crystal 8 Loudspeaker cable is exceptional .
I have compared this with Kimber select, Nordost ,and Cardas up to
$3500 for a 10 ft pair and is Vvery good .the most articulate tight Bass
I have ever had from a cable in my system a very balanced cable with a detailed warm midrange.
The best combination for interconnect Silver Analysis new In- connect
Very good , as well as the new Darwin Ascention Plus, or Revelation
Audio Labs,these will compete with cables 2x + their cost.
It is all about system synergy .