Onda Cables? Yes

Over ten years in this hobby. I have tried many. I have read reviews. Forums and Threads. I wanted it all. Tell me it's great so I can try or buy it.

Well, I can list the the cable company's that I have tried and owned but somehow I feel the thread will be attacked by " fan boys" and or disguised owners / dealers pushing their own.

6moons does not need to review this product. 6moons needs to implement it in their systems to evaluate all other components as a standard.

My reason to put forward my effort to post this is obvious. Just in case it's not obvious>>> Cables are costly, frustrating. Break in times while this is true, I for one think they should still sound great from the get go!!!

I own the Onda Air speaker cables and interconnect. Yes!

I guess we'll just have to take your word for it. Other than the phrase "primarily solid core silver", their website gives no relevant information. No chance I'd take this "leap of faith". But, thanks for sharing!