Power cords for ModWright SCD-XA5400es

I cross-posted this also in the Digital forum.

I just pulled the trigger on upgrading my stock Sony XA5400es with the ModWright mods.

For those of you that have done the mod, what type of power cords did you end up considering and ultimately using? Or did you stay with the stock cords? Are the power cords for the new separate power supply and the player the same brand/model?

Lawrence (Closdesducs)
I would highly recommend the Elrod EPS-2 Signature.
I have this cord on my Modwright 999es and my friend has it on his stock 5400. We've both tried many different pc's, this is the best so far. Good luck.
I am using a Purist Audio Design CANORUS power cord with great results on my
ModWright Oppo 95.
Incredibly tight bass and nice imaging!!
I've not done the mod you're referring to, but I can't resist the opportunity to share with you the power cords I've been overwhelming pleased with:

The LessLoss DFPC Signature ($1149: the ones I use now), or the LessLoss DFPC Original ($595: began with these)

There are tons of user and professional reviews of these power cords out there, but, for what it's worth, here's my brief account:

- First and foremost: immediately and easily noticeable improvement in sound quality. Everything just sounds more real (among other things).
- Very robust: can be flexed any which way, and stays the way you want it to.
- Lightweight: the lightness made for easy installation and more importantly, doesn't throw my equipment off balance having sensitive footers.
- Brilliant aesthetics: what can I say, they look quite attractive.
- Superb customer service with Louis Motek from LessLoss.

Drop Louis Motek a line (info@lessloss.com): I'm sure he'd hook you up with some cords for an audition. He's quick to answer questions, too.

Just a note: Zmanastronomy mentioned the Elrod EPS-2 Signature. I've heard some good things about this power cord. A cautionary note, however: even if it could make your system sound fantastic, heads up to its weight and general inflexibility. Obviously you'll want a cord that doesn't just sound great, but one that won't compromise your system setup, too.

Hope you find something that works for you.

