Hiface EVO, Wavelink, Audiophilleo


What do you know about Hiface EVO, Wavelink, Audiophilleo? Do you already used it in your system?

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Be careful of Hiface EVO. You wont get a printed User Manual with this device. You will have to Download it from
M2Techs Website. You are going to need Adobe Acrobat PDF
Format conversion. I went to the M2Tech Website three times, and I have PDF conversion. Internet Explorer kept claiming that there was something wrong with the Website.
Finally got a PDF Copy from Tweek Geek. On the Users Manual, it indicates steps for installing M2Tech EVO Wizard, except all of the steps in the Wizard are written in Italian. No Disk to install the Driver, it has to be
Downloaded from Website, Files are compressed. You have to
transfer, unzip Files. Pretty much the anti-thesis of Scrubbing Bubbles. M2Tech makes the Customer do all of the
dirty work, so M2Tech doesn't have tooooooo! Suprised they
didn't make me build my own Box, and charge me with the $500.00 priviledge. Paying that much, I think that the Trees are just going to have to give it up for a Paper User
Manual. As Officer Ripley would say, "It's the only way to
make sure"! I have no qualms about making M2Tech earn their $500.00, let them get ink stains on all of their fingers from printing thousands of Manuals! They can take some of their work home with them, like we do here in U.S.
This gismo is not ready for Prime Time here in U.S., with a Company that has put itself so layed back to be comatose,
it never will be! "Somebody wake up Hicks (M2Tech)"! Maybe
they are on a 6 Month Italian Vacation! Don't want them to work too hard, or put too much effort into a $500.00 gizmo!
Yeah, pulling up a .pdf and unzipping something are crazy!!! Yikes. You might want to stay away from computer audio.
I considered all you listed, and decided to go with $450 Halide Design Bridge.
Jdubs-pulling up a .pdf and unzipping The Manual (before
you can even install the Driver), then pulling up the .pdf
and unzipping the Folder for the Driver. The fun part is trying to figure out which Files (among ten) to install!
What are you supposed to do, flip a coin for each File?
Get just one wrong, and your screwed! Send an E-mail to
M2Tech for assistance, and get a response in Italian (nuts!). The M2Tech Wizard is even written in Italian. What
are you suggesting, a College Course in Computer Audio, along with a College Course in Italian, or a College Course
in Italian Computer Audio? Hey, I am just the Customer here! Anything that I can do in the Service of a Scroodge
run Corporation,or even a No-Load One! You are going to have to come down off of the Trees, Jdubs, I want my paper
User Manual! Enough of the Crap Shoot alternatives, and making the Customer work to earn his keep (since when?).
Read U-N-R-E-L-I-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y to the Max here, make that
a premium expensive unreliability (what the hell am I paying for?). I didn't know that being a M2Tech Customer
made me a full time M2Tech Employee, where is my Paycheck? My time is valuable, so for the time spent having to fiddle around with this silly nonsense, that Paycheck in the Mail had better be a big one! You know damn well that this is nothing more than Companies cutting back dramatically on Customer Service to the bone, just to save a buck! The only thing that I can say about you-Jdubs is, "What a Tool"! Sorry, I don't want to be M2Tech's
BI_CH! Yikes, if that offends you! Since you and M2Tech are under the false impression that I work for you, let me make myself perfectly clear, "Take this Job and SH_VE-IT!