Should I upgrade power cord for my preamp?

Hello all,

A while back, I upgraded the power cord for my amp. That makes sense to me. However, should I also upgrade the power cord for my preamp. Based on my limited understanding of how preamps work, it does not seem like it would make a sonic improvement.


Thank you in advance.
Hi Elegal

What is the model/make of your preamp? Also what do you find wrong with the sound in your system that is prompting this desire to change? What is the current power cord that you have with your preamp?

For my preamps I like to use 14AWG power cords but that is just me. The power cords that I use on my current preamps are Shunyata Venom 3S power cords. The reason I went for these was the price and I didn't like the stock power cord that came with the preamp. Cruddy connectors and it was 18AWG power cord.
@ Lowrider57, Hi, May I ask you why you believe that a heavy gauge power cable can have a negative effect on a pre-amp or digital componet with volume control?, In some ways you may be correct, I cannot explain this, I have a 8 gauge Tara Labs Cobalt power cord on my cd-player, It's like wow!, this power cord competly compliments the Tara Labs Zero Gold interconnect in every way, It's like they were made for each other, I tried multiple power cords, and the cobalt is a game changer in my particular system, LOL!, I was really skeptical about power cords in general, in the past, all the ones I tried sounded hi-fi and mechanical, always went back to stock power cords, for the first time ever!, I cannot imagine taking this cobalt power cord out the system, I tried, It is a huge difference in every concieveable way, very natural sounding, and very, very spooky real sounding, cheers.

Anyone have any suggestions/recommendations for an ARC LS27 preamp ? many Thanks !
@ Lowrider57, Hi, May I ask you why you believe that a heavy gauge power cable can have a negative effect on a pre-amp or digital componet with volume control?

I'm only speaking from my experience having tried a large gauge Tributaries and Pangea on my preamp; the effect was less detail. I would think that if there's a large power supply in a preamp, then maybe the higher current demand benefits from a larger cable.
Then there's the marketing of high current draw vs. low current cables that I was believing in; although I think there are cases to support this.
I have yet to hear a preamp whose performance was not improved by a good aftermarket power cord. The very best value in my experience is the Shunyata Venom line. You can find them used for as little as $100 and they outperform many far more expensive cords. If you have the scratch, the new Shunyata Alpha analog cord beats anything I have heard under $3000. I use it on my new Convergent Audio Technology Renaissance preamp and also used it on my old Conrad Johnson CT5.