Help with speaker cable under $500 for new system


I know very little about speaker cable and have never owned any but "budget" cables. I have just bought the following:
Hegel 160 Integrated Amp
ATC SCM 19 v2 sealed box speakers

Will be set up in a large open greatroom with speakers about 10 feet apart (need one cable about 4 feet and the other about 12 feet). I listen primarily to jazz, blues and reggae at CD quality streamed from an iMac to the Hegel.

Help me find the right speaker cables under about $500 a pair? Am happy to stay with Bluejeans or Monoprice if the difference won't be really noticable.

3rd the Clear Day plus Paul does allow an in home trial period. These made a huge positive difference in my system. The music became so much more palpable...very well fleshed out.

I do agree with Zd542 about first getting used to the sound with your current cables. I think that is absolutely essential. Also - unless you get lucky (someone replies that has the same gear and room config.) most of the responses (like mine) will be other people's favorite with no guarantee they'll sound as good with your gear or in your room. An in home trial period is key. Clear Day, Morrow Audio, Audio Advisor are good in this regard.

Certainly, take advantage of the Cable Company's lending library if you can, but they don't carry everything (e.g., no Clear Day, no Morrow Audio).

Good luck and have fun. Enjoy your new gear. Maybe even before cable you should consider room treatment (a couple of GIK panels behind your speakers can make a world of difference).
I also agree with ZD on this. Let your system break in and take time to get to know it. Then try cables. Congrats on the new system!
Thanks so much to all. Great advice. I have been in contact with Clear Day (their trial does not extend to Canada, but good to work with) and Morrow and will make a decision in the next week or so. Happy sounds to everyone!
4th on the CLEAR DAY speaker cable sound amazing from day one for less than $500.
Regarding the several recommendations that have been made for Clear Day: Assuming the goal is for the cable to behave in as neutral/accurate a manner as possible, and given the 12 foot length you require in one channel, I would caution against using anything less than the double shotgun version.

For example, the single (two conductor) configuration is described as consisting of a single pair of 24 gauge silver conductors. In a 12 foot length, and given the 8 ohm nominal impedance of your speakers, the resistance of that cable would reduce the effective damping factor of your amplifier from its specified value of greater than 1000 to about 14.

-- Al