Help with speaker cable under $500 for new system


I know very little about speaker cable and have never owned any but "budget" cables. I have just bought the following:
Hegel 160 Integrated Amp
ATC SCM 19 v2 sealed box speakers

Will be set up in a large open greatroom with speakers about 10 feet apart (need one cable about 4 feet and the other about 12 feet). I listen primarily to jazz, blues and reggae at CD quality streamed from an iMac to the Hegel.

Help me find the right speaker cables under about $500 a pair? Am happy to stay with Bluejeans or Monoprice if the difference won't be really noticable.

Kijanki, the output impedances of the most popular currently produced Atmasphere amps are in the 2 to 7 ohm area, corresponding to damping factors ranging from a bit more than 1 to about 4 (for an 8 ohm speaker). While those amps are indeed very highly thought of, Ralph/Atmasphere would be the first to admit that his amps are not suitable matches for many speakers, especially given that a considerable majority of available speakers have presumably been designed with the expectation that they would be used with solid state amps having high damping factors/low output impedances.

I certainly agree that the importance of damping factor is often way overblown, especially when the numbers get into the hundreds, not to mention the thousands. But at the same time I don't think it should be ignored altogether, especially when the numbers get into the low double digits. And especially when a solid state amp is being used, and what one presumably wants to hear from the amp is its intrinsic sonic character, not its intrinsic sonic character as modified by avoidable cable effects, even if those effects are small.

Best regards,
-- Al
Get generic 12ga, stranded, copper speaker cable. You can pretend you spent $500 on it if that makes you feel better.
Al, I agree but since source/speaker resistive impedance is likely at least 50% of nominal impedance (perhaps 2/3?) making best overall DF you can achieve equal 2. I would avoid using anything that can lower it further but additional 0.5 ohm would lower DF only by 12.5%. - all assuming that amplifier doesn't contribute anything.

Of course we assume that lower DF effects will be, if anything, negative, while in many cases (overdamped speakers) is perhaps the opposite. We often claim that low source impedance (voltage source) is the best, but then we enjoy higher output impedance (power source) of tube amps.

High DF chasing might not only exclude great cables but also promote selection of poor sounding amps with deep NFB.
I have been using Kimber Kable 12vs speaker cables in my system. The thing I found with all Kimber Kable is that they have a great value to quality ratio. You are not paying for a name like you do with audio quest and some of the other cables that are out there. I have called and talk to them several times when looking for advice and always get great information that is pretty unbiased. My recommendation though is if you have a way to audition cables in your own home, try a few different ones and see what sounds best in your own system.