Catchy tunes that sound great?

I thought of starting this thread after a listen to "What's Going On" by Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass today.

Sounds great! Love the arrangement! Can't get the tune out of my mind!

Is this perhaps the catchiest tune of all time?

Any others come to mind?
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OK, of course the name of the tune I meant by Herb Albert is "So What's new?", not "What's Going On".

Sorry Marvin Gaye!

John Cage: 4'33"

Talk about a riveting tune that's impossible to get out of your head!
If you listen to the top 40 hits enough, even some of the ones you don't like will stick in your head. I think they call this "brainwashing". On a side note, being a trumpet player and a long-time Herb Alpert and the Tiajuana Brass fan, I can relate with you, Mapman.