Reaching the end of a music collection

This website has covered our upgrade obsession, but what about our obsession with buying music?

I've accumulated over 1500 CDs (have lost count) over the last 15+ years, and looking through past threads, I know that this isn't even close to what some of you have.

It seems, in the last year, that most of what I buy I don't listen to more than a couple times. Or I'm just buying replacement versions of material that I already have (like new 24 bit remastering versions). Often I'm buying artists whom I'm just not passionate about.

I remember walking out of a record store in high school with the first three records of my own - Led Zeppelin IV, Rubber Soul and Surrealistic Pillow.

I'm wondering how you guys with huge music collections keep your curiosity and interest up, and how you've dealt with reaching the "end" of a music collection.
T; I've occasionally wondered the same thing as you are expressing. For me, the possibility of finding exciting new artists or music that I really like is what keeps me looking for and buying new CDs. As an example, this year I "discovered" Allison Krauss, bluegrass in general, Allison Moorer, and Jacintha. And last year Shirley Horn and Diana Krall smooth jazz ballads. And BTW, these were all the result of other A'Gon members recommendations. My CD collection is a bit smaller than yours, but then I trade in CDs I don't care for, poor recordings etc.

As a suggestion, start a thread here on Audiogon about the types of music you like, and ask for recommendations every once in a while. You'd be surprised at what comes up. Personally, I'm starting to "explore" classical music a bit. Good Luck, and Cheers. Craig
Ben, I am guilty as charged! I do spend more time reading about gear than about music. It didn't occur to me that when I stopped subscribing to the various audio magazines, I severely curtailed my music reviews. Thanks for the slap uplongside the head ;-) Another thing to add to the recommendations are to listen to the radio or TV (satellite or digital cable carry music channels -- no video streams). I just moved to a city with a great jazz station and listening to that has really paid off -- I can jot down what I like and know I'm not throwing my money away when I buy a cd. Ditto with the sat or cable stations -- you can even pick your poison from metal to alternative to classical. Reenergize with great new music.
I love classic rock/metal/pop but I think I'd be bored if it wasnt for modern rock/metal/pop.