Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green

I know Clapton is God, but is he a better blues guitarist than Peter Green.
Try listening to Melvin Taylor (newest CD out on Evidence Records "Bang that Bell")
You've got to see Clapton live to fully realize how good he is, I don't think I've heard Green and if Buddy Guy is ever in your town don't miss him if you can imagine Clapton, Hendrix, and SRV rolled into one!!!
SRV's music is the best to me. Whether or not he's the best technically, I don't know. Clapton is too Top 40, imo.
Pops is "right on", Buddy Guy is the best. I saw and HEARD live him several years ago and he is a fantastic performer and a great blues guitarist-- with a smile that would light up Montana. His version of "Mustang Sally" is killer. In a interview, Eric Clapton once referred to Buddy Guy as the "best blues guitarist in the world", and I agree. And yes, Clapton is great too. I have some of Peter Green's music and while I recognize his talent, I don't particularly like his music-- a little too "jazzy" for me I think. Cheers. Craig.
Huddie(LeadBelly)Ledbetter - As the dead historical choice. Jimi Hendrix - As the dead rock/electric choice. Buddy Guy - As the living choice. I'll have to check out Melvin Taylor, never heard his stuff.