Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green

I know Clapton is God, but is he a better blues guitarist than Peter Green.
Green and Clapton were the first white Blues guitarists who broke into the scene and made a big contribution to the music of Blues in terms of popularizing it-- especially Clapton. But, although they are technically great, their phrasing and conveying raw emotions may not be up to par with the old legends. I think, beside the scale (pentatonic) and beat, Blues is all about raw emotions. I have not heard any white guitarists, including SRV, who can pour them out like black counterparts. Dynamics, vibrato, and delicate timing are critically different between them -- what a generalization. If you don't want to go back to Muddy Waters or T-Bone, you may want to try Red House by Hendrix. It differs greatly from Clapton's or SRV's.
Great question! Haven't thought of Blues guitarists in a "best of" sense, but Clapton isn't really a "blues" guitarist in the truest sense. Hendrix was the best rock guitar player, bar none, but also wasn't strictly a blues player (though his blues was excellent -- his Blues CD is outstanding). SRV was a tremendous player and was true to the blues, and sounded like he could do anything on the guitar. I don't know if any other guitarist has ever done as much as SRV in the past 20 years in terms of revolutionizing guitar "tone". Two guitarists who, if I were "cuttin' heads" and did NOT want to go up against: (1) Albert King; and (2) Ry Cooder.
Such a Tough question, Green, has had some great moments, listen to the early Fleetwood Mac. And no one can deny The Yardbirds and Mayhall with Clapton. I'm a long time Guitarist, Vintage Collector and Blues enthusiast, both are both great in different ways. Don't forget Mike Bloomfield. We can debate all day on who is the best, and I see others involving SRV, and newer players. First look at the Black original Blues players, then the White English players in the 60's that revived the Blues and made it mainstream acceptable, then Hendrix took it to extremes. When rock, Jazz and Fusion took over, SRV brought blues into the mainstream once again in the 80's as the English players did in the 60's. We would have to start a page alone for this topic.