Top Ten Speakers of All Time?

Well its time for a new Top Ten Thread. WOW-Have I learned a lot.Thanks to all Audiogon members.Have had several e mail thanking the Top Ten Threads. We have a lot of new members just starting their High End adventure. Info was much appreciated. I will start the thread for the Acoustat 2+2 and Model 2 of which I still own and continue to enjoy. So lets have your top ten members. --- MANY THANKS ---
My nomination is my present system, the Von Schweikert VR-6's. They are pricey, but once heard, they're hard to forget. And they DO go to 20 cycles FLAT!
Easy one: #1 Quad ESL 57, #2 Beveridge electrostatic speakers, #3 Rogers LS3/5A, #4 Koss model 1, #5 Infinity servo-static #6 KLH electrostats, #7 Ionovac ion drive tweeter #8 Pederson Acoustics HF-1 horns, #9 Ohm A (I'll be getting flack for this one) #10 Infinity IRS series 5
Wow!! Stats are a clear winner, and I agree with many of those mentioned. From what I see here and in no particular order, I agree with Quad ESL 57, Rogers LS3/5A, certain Apogees, certain MLs, Dahlquist DQ-10, Vandersteen 5, the original large Maggies, and Hill Plasmatronics (most esoteric). I will add my current speakers, the Aerial 10Ts. These have been around for 8-9 years with some modifications over time. But one of the important points is that they have stood the current test of time; some of the above have too. One thing I love about the 10Ts is that I get point source great mid and treble, with solid and accurate bass. Of course, I must add that Dekay is a funny mother f-----! I give him a lot of credit for thinking of the Bensen line. Dekay, just get the Roger's original off of ebay, and call Speakerlab on how you can rework the innards for biwiring. Ferrari, I too want to thank you for your top 10 series. This time you asked for the top ten members... well my top member is between my legs! ;) OMG, I hope I didn't violate any audiogon rules with this post. If so, I'm so sorry.....