Best Component Ever, for the money

The other thread with this title was corrupted in its inception. Let's do this one with NO cables, power cords, isolation devices or tweaks. My vote goes to the Connoisseur turntable (integrated with arm). I don't have it anymore and you shouldn't be able to find one for sale. High end perspective for $150.
This is easy. The Ming DA 2A3 preamp ($1,250)will (properly tubed)go head to head with any mega buck pre you can find.

Those late 70's batch of superior quality analog tuners(many brands) were a great buy. My Hitachi FT920 has provided good sound since ~ 1976 and responded very well to AC power upgrades. Still provides my Saturday afternoon at the Opera-better than ever! That's nealy 32 years of 24 hour a day operation w/o a hitch.(I've had it cleaned and aligned twice-shd do it again for the new year)). I am impressed with that value $300 new / 11680 days = 2.5 cents a day.
*2nd vote for Supratek Chardonnay (preamp)
*Lenco with Denon 103-R (Turntable, Cartridge)
*Trends Audio 10.1 and Little Dot T 150 (Digital amps)
*Cyber 800 (Power amp - tube), beats many at twice the $$$$
*Citypulse DA2.03e II w/USB Input($450 DAC), TubeDac+ with upgraded power supply (Tube DAC).