Using Airport Express/AirTunes.

I'm interested in trying the Airport Express AirTunes with iMac/iTunes and DAC. What is the best connection/cable (mini-jack to RCA or optical and made by who)? Also, I assume the AE has a D/A. Can it be bypassed or will it convert/compress my Apple Lossless music files?

I need a solution to use iMac/iTunes w/ Reimyo DAP-777 w/o having to spend $1K's more on overpriced USB or FireWire converters, or use a lot of additional devices, cables, and wires. I used a iTransport before. Now trying a Squeezebox Touch but it's having constant "Re-buffering" issues w/ both wireless and ethernet. Need a solution to use iMac/iTunes. What about using an iPad? Is there a way to use that as a streaming device?
That's easy to say in hindsight, not if you haven't tried it before.

In the end... the sound was terrible from AppleTV via optical. And wireless didn't help. I discovered there's a "Bermuda Triangle" wireless zone in that part of my room where the audio system sits. I was able to improve it somewhat with rearranging the order of the AE and AEBS units but it would require adding one or two more AE's to make it more reliable. No point though as stated above.

Also tried USB converter. Awful. Going back to what worked before; iTransport/iPod. The 171i this time.
wow, i was just thinking of building a digital music server using AE but the thought of dropouts and such has scared me off (anyways, i do have SB3 so may as well try it first).

seems best solution is to keep things hardwired, no?
If you like sound through optical w/ AE give it a try, but SB3 via COAX will be superior. Depending on where your set up and surroundings, distance between devices/wireless network router, external interference,..etc., it may take using multiple wireless devices to get the proper coverage. The only way to know is to try it. And yes, ethernet cable solves all that.
Best bet is to give it a shot, I do not experience any dropouts or issues with with the AE in my two systems that use them.