What Product Did You Overspend On?

We all hear about the great bargains and great reviews. If they're all great, then none of them are great.

What product were you really disappointed with?
Kimber select. Poorly made for the price and there are a lot better stuff out there for the price at least in my system ymmv....

Next was anything Cary my cinema 11a was broken from day 1, my cinema 5 broke smoked and got burnt with big repair costs. My 303/300 cd went in for repair many times.

Other than that I have had a lot of equipnment and the rest has been good to great.
Buying my used ML20.6's. After a year they died, sent them to the Service Bench who keeped them for 14 months and sent them back to me (they said they where fixed), after 5 hours of play they died again. Since i live in Alaska the shipping is VERY expensive so the whole thing cost me about $10K+, then if you add the ML380 I had to go with the 20.6's, it just makes me cry, I still weep sometimes.
But you never know what might happen. It was a GREAT system while it lasted.
Joe Nies