What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
I own a construction company. I really started in Hi-Fi when I was young but got out of it through my 40s now that I am back into it is has taken me about two years to find the componets I really like and build my current system. I am now 55 and my system is about 50 grand or so...give or take...
44 - Own a small C-store & Deli - presently looking to sell the business and get into something else. Not sure what - but something else. I've been self-employed most of my life - I think I'd like to work for someone else for a change - hmm, ...sounds a bit like burn-out, I think..?

My system is still evolving - though I doubt I'll ever change my Pipedreams... As for HT - we're building a new house now and I'm hoping to build a new HT system when we finish the house. My HT system is B&O system which isn't too bad but I have a serious hankering for serious realistic HT system... I've never really had the opportunity to listen to other HT systems than my own... I've always listened to music. I bought my first stereo when I was 8 years old. Then when I was about 16 or 17 I bought a B&O. I still have my original B&O (Bang & Olufsen) system I bought in 1976...

My father used to record muisc from the radio. I remember when brought home his "elite" Warfdale speakers with the purple-dome tweeters - that we (the kids) dared NOT to TOUCH! He had a Scott reciever and Roberts reel to reel... man, that was back in 1966-68? wow.. long time ago..

Dat be me...
45 and I'm in Operations for a 3PL focused on wireless devices and electronics. System is more than I like to think about but it is an amazing hobyy when it's all working together right.
Hello I'm Customer Support Engineer, 42. and my latest home theater system is about 50K, I sold all of my two channel system, Jeff Rowland/ EAD etc.. and my old home theater system and consentrated only in one system.

I don't have to much time to listen to music this days with
a family and work, but the home theater allways get used.

Esoteric DV 50S/ Anthem D1/ Anthem P5/ Aerial Acoustics/ Audioquest, custom powercord co./ BPT,Exactpower/ JVC DILA 61" custom audio/video rack.