Acoustic Revive RR-77 Ultra low pulse generator

One more new baby in the family of esoteric tweaks, there is not much info on this product except for a a nice review in 6 moons audio, Working on the human body and psychic (the Schumann resonance) and treating your room acoustic...
I wish answers and comments from people who bought it and use it with succes!
Also how does it compare against the Quantum Symphony pro EMF Stabilizer who work close in the same way ???
Wich position is the best inside the listening room ?
I have been using the SR plugs for several months with excellent results and no ill effects.I leave them plugged in at all times and have only positives to say about them.
Karelfd , I could not tell any difference with moving the antenna or the control knob. Mine never seemed to do anything.

Hi guys, after reading your posts I bought one. Very satisfied.

1. The taller you put it, the better?

2. Where can I buy the kingrex psu?

Some doubts:

1. The taller I put it, the better?

2. Where can I buy the kingrex psu?
In my experience 5 feet is the minimum, but I had little benefit above that.

Under no circumstance, if your experience is like mine, put an Acoustic Revive QR-8 on the bottom or anywhere on the RR-77. This was recommended by one reviewer. It just killed the sound.