Cable Elevators

Just curious if anyone is using cable elevators and what changes they brought about. I have read there are benefits to having cables raised off the carpet.
I have no scientific verification for my experience... what I take exception to is self proclaimed experts who have never used the item in question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have used them, does that give my opinion more validity that some AS# who hasn't? I apologize for piling on pbb, but even his own neighbor hates him for being such a pompous a55!



In small amounds "Hirudoid" will help remove bruises.
I have used it for a year and it really works.
Those who know me, can tell you that I speak from exp.
Everyone's having fun with this topic.

Although the addition of cable lifters in my system gave negative results, I would bet lots of systems here at Audiogon would benefit from them.

Everyone keeps talking about electrons and static but I think one of the biggest reasons cable lifters work (or don't) is isolation from vibration. Almost any system at Audiogon will be negatively effected if after a long listening session you walk over to the speaker cable, pick it up and shake it (gently) and set it back down.

I know it sounds like a silly experiment but in my system, with every cable I've ever owned, the effect is immediate, very negative and if you focus on sound stage, you can actually hear the cable recover. Try this for fun, it's free.

If this works for you, how much of a stretch is it to imagine that micro vibration from moderate to loud SPL's could also negatively effect that same cable? If you don't hear results of this test, it's "different" than mine :^).

I think what's important is to try it in your own system. You can used Herbies feet, cable lifters, a piece of 2X4 or whatever amuses you.

If you learn something from the test, or better yet, that it works in your system, this thread has been of value. If it all fails, you had an excuse to listen to your favorite music.

In the end, itÂ’s about putting in the work, and that's something you have to do yourself. If you're not willing to experiment, then why bother posting results (or claiming there are no results) at Audiogon?
alberporter is correct we are in this to get the best sound we can with what we have meaning not only equipment but also the surrondings or room we listen in. experimenting is part of this hobby and to say something does not work without trying it is absurd. especially if it something that does not cost very much to try like getting your speaker cables off of the carpet. sometimes it is the combination of a lot of little things that make a difference and sometimes one thing will make a difference but you will never know until you try. if it does not work so what and if it does then you are all thebetter. so enjoy the experiment you are listening too. and try some new things
To all interested in this.
You don't need to spend 100$ and up for audiophile approved cable lifters to find out if they work or not,
I noticed recently a plastic product for the construction industry that can be used as a cable lifter for pennies or in my case for free.The "thingies" I am reffering to are basically steel rod lifters.When you pour concrete slabs you need reinforcing steel rods embeded (spelling?) in the slab.So they make these plastic little towers with half moon cut out on the top to support the steel rods and keep them half way into the depth of the poured concrete as per building code..They are cheap ,look good ,are super stable and will hold any cable to about 2 and half inches off the floor..Any lumber yard or construction supply store should have them I would think.For the artistic ,you could hot glue them in oak or maple wood squares(3"x3") for better esthetics like I am planning to do!
Happy listening