Cable Elevators

Just curious if anyone is using cable elevators and what changes they brought about. I have read there are benefits to having cables raised off the carpet.
To all interested in this.
You don't need to spend 100$ and up for audiophile approved cable lifters to find out if they work or not,
I noticed recently a plastic product for the construction industry that can be used as a cable lifter for pennies or in my case for free.The "thingies" I am reffering to are basically steel rod lifters.When you pour concrete slabs you need reinforcing steel rods embeded (spelling?) in the slab.So they make these plastic little towers with half moon cut out on the top to support the steel rods and keep them half way into the depth of the poured concrete as per building code..They are cheap ,look good ,are super stable and will hold any cable to about 2 and half inches off the floor..Any lumber yard or construction supply store should have them I would think.For the artistic ,you could hot glue them in oak or maple wood squares(3"x3") for better esthetics like I am planning to do!
Happy listening
That's the spirit of experimenting that we should be sharing, a great idea that allows the user to test at little or no cost.

If you like what it does, add the wood base as Yioryos suggests or buy one of the attractive commercial versions offered on the web.

If the cheap version does not work, no big loss, at least you learned something from trying.

Maybe the act of testing reminded you to clean your RCA jacks and speaker terminals. That can certainly make a difference and it too is FREE.
Yes we should keep an open mind but "flat earthers" may routinely be ignored. I trust Albert. But maybe he is shaking up that ferrous fluid in the Purist cable.
Agreed Gregadd. Purist is especially sensitive to being shaken up, yet it appears resistant to vibration (I guess) because elevating it in my system was negative.

Then again, perhaps elevating it increased it's exposure to vibration since it's very large diameter and super heavy?

That's the problem with this hobby. We know things work or don't but it's not always easy to understand why.
finally a very solid discussion without a lot of negativity --agree with albert --for my system lifting the cables made an improvement--every system is different as its resolving power-that is what is so much fun about this hobby --just do what makes you happy and don't forget to enjoy the music --rich