Cable Elevators

Just curious if anyone is using cable elevators and what changes they brought about. I have read there are benefits to having cables raised off the carpet.
In my system, lifting big and heavy speaker cables (AQ Everest) from the hardwood floor made a noticable difference. Since the is no carpet/fabric involved, my guess is that it has sth to do with vibrations.

Currently I'm using Finite Elemente Ceraballs, but I have a set of proper Cable Elevators on order.
Sorry, there is no conspiracy or black magic going on this time. There's actually a logical explanation for this, which Rush (Rushton) put forth...

The floor covering acts as a dieletric. Nylon and polyester carpets being bad, wool carpet not quite as bad, and wood and ceramic are more neutral. Many folks have come to the conclusion that cable dielectric is quite audible. When you consider that up to half of your cable is sitting in this dielectric, and that many would believe that if the cable manufacturer used an additional dielectric layer on the cable, it would potentially sound different, it actually makes sense.

As for my second system, the effects of raising the cable up off the nylon carpet are quite noticeable and significant. And, apart from spending time on loudspeaker positioning (which is tremendously underrated), the cost of doing so is probably lower than anything else in audio.
Thanks For posting this thread. I am going to give this tweek a try this weekend with some wood blocks. If it improves the sound of my new JM Lab speakers, so much the better.
If you think you hear a difference. Have someone to a blind a/b test and see if you can still tell.