Is the Audience AR1P a decent surge protector?

Recently there have been some posts about surge suppression. I am also concerned about my hi-fi investment. I use an Audience AR1P (the one outlet box that plugs directly into the wall) Is this using the same technology as the "Brick Wall"? Please advise, as I want to be safe.
I use 2 of the aR1p conditioners (CDP and REL sub) and a single aR2p
that provides power conditioning and protection for my VAC amp and VAC
preamp. Love the clean power. They are rated for surge surpression to
20,000 amps that does not wear out or decline over time. I feel very
confident in the protection they provide my system and I live in an area
where afternoon thunderstorms are a daily occurrence. I have no
knowledge about the "Brick Wall" products.
" I feel very confident in the protection they provide my system and I live in an area where afternoon thunderstorms are a daily occurrence."

A power surge is one thing, but nothing I know of can protect you from lightning except your homeowners policy.
Very true statement about a close lightning hit. It is the storm associated local power outages and sudden power returns that previously caused my system some issues. These seem to be handled well by the Audience conditioners in my home and system.
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