Utah - How bout it?

I would be interested in starting something in the Salt Lake area. So few of us around.
Flip, I'm new at this, but it would be nice to see a little audiophile spark in the Salt Lake area, so put me on your list. Alf45
Sorry, I haven't checked this post for a while. It's good to see there'e a few of us. Where do we start?
How about we try and meet up at someone's house or maybe an audio shop(I can only think of a few: Aurant, Audioworks, or Reference Audio), and go from there. Just a suggestion.
I'm still game... Scott and I had a little discussion many months ago. Unfortunately I haven't been frequenting here lately. Let's set something up...

What would you like to do? I'm definately game, just say when and let's see if we can get everyone who's interested on the same page. Dan or Scott, how about one of you name a time and place and see if maybe we can get something started.