media player for mac.

I'm trying replacing itune. i have mac pro and i don't know where to turn now.
j river is for pc only. any suggestion or advice?

Thank you
PureMusic and Audirvana are a couple of suggestions. PureMusic interfaces with iTunes and Aurivana is a stand alone product. Both are terrific but suit different tastes.
My rough order of preference:

Fidelia -detail and dynamics, get the full version $79
Amarra - just feels good, too pricey
Decibel and Audirvana are tied.
Pure Music- this may rank much higher, honestly it has been awhile on this one. Bit perfect is in the middle somewhere- I haven't spent a lot of time with the newer versions.
Very interesting about Fidelia. I haven't heard of it before. Anybody else have experience with it relative to others?

Thanks, Peter
I use Fidelia, but the cheaper version, ($20). Works fine with a lovely interface. It just uses iTunes as your library but plays and converts if needed without any hiccups.

I also use BitPerfect. Even cheaper, ($5). But you retain the iTunes interface. The only issue with BitPerfect is that it's not Airplay compatible.