Tuners that do it?

In my 30+ years as an audiophile I have owned a few tuners that had good specs and received good reviews in the audio press. Generally, I was never satisfied with any of them and found they never matched my turntable or other source components for audio quality. I concluded that high-quality sound was just not possible with a tuner as the source.

But recently I bought a Harman Kardon TU910 tuner on ebay and its excellent performance in my reference system has caused me to rethink the whole issue. The sound is well balanced, the midrange is literally marvelous, the focus, imaging, and depth of the soundstage is quite impressive. I was listening to a local jazz station last night and my thought was that I'd never heard sound this authentic from a tuner before. I know that my particular tuner is not the best one out there, nor is it highly rated, but for some reason it sounds way better than other tuners I have tried over the years. My antenna is not anything special, so I know it can't be related to that. It has me wondering how good the sound quality may be using more upscale, highly-rated models.

I welcome any thoughts or comments on this topic.

Happy Thanksgiving to All!
Sonically, I'll take an analog tuner anyday over a digital one....but for convenience digital
I'll chime in here - i Have 2 tuners - one analog, a Technics ST-8077 & the other 1/2 analog & 1/2 digital, a Sansui TU-99X. like another member here I also sent my analog tuner to Don Scott who was very generous with his time & effort to tune it up for me. The Technics sound really very nice & i can listen to it for a long time (too bad programming here is very limited). The Sansui also sounds very nice - I prefer the Technics since it has a more of an analog-ish sound. I got both tuners off Ebay for $50 each - very reasonable - and this after cruising thru fmtunerinfo.com for many hours....
I second the creek. Amazing sounding british simple tuner. Sounds as good as many cd players.
Here's the list of tuners I've owned over the years.  I've had the Creek CAS-3140 for about a dozen years now, don't see getting rid of it anytime soon at all, I like it that much.

Here we go, from 1/14/14:

1. Harman Kardon 330C rec'r
2. Mitsubishi DA-R8 rec'r
3. McIntosh MR-71
4. Sansui TU-717
5. Pioneer TX-9800
6. Dyanco FM-3
7. Luxman T-110
8. Luxman T-400
9. McIntosh 1900 rec'r
10. Yamaha CT-810
11. Quad FM-4 (din outputs)
12. ADS T-2 - fun to use
13. NAD 4020A
14. Pioneer TX-500
15. B&K TS-108
16. Dyna FM-3
17. NEC T-710 - better than B&K 
18. Tandberg 2020 rec'r - nice
19. Creek CAS-3140 (din to rca) - neck and neck w/Tandberg

FAVORITES: 3,4,5,6, 12, 17-19 

Additional tuners since this post:
1.  Pioneer TX-8500II
2.  Sumo Charlie

The fmtunerinfo.com site is a good place to start, not the end all in tuner sound, IMHO.