Krell or Classe?

Well everyone I have an age old question. I need your thoughts on whether I should go with the Krell KAV-300i or the Classe CAP-150 integrated amps........thanks!
I've owned the Krell for almost 3 years and have loved every minute of even though it leans toward the bright side because of my digital front end. Sony ES 85 with an Audio Alchemy DITB. The Krell has been criticized for being bright but I can assure you it is because of the source components. I very friendly dealer let me hook up a Mark Levinson 39 with it and the sound was awesome. Smooth in the highs with incredible Krell bass definition. The Classe is also an excellent product. I don't think you can go wrong with either choice. Let your ears decide for you.
obvious answer to an old question...get the krell....krell amp control the speakers better and 300i have much better preamp section..... I bet the krell co. rates the "watts" less favorably.
Both integrated units are extremely well designed products - even though the preamp sections are not quite up to par with the amp sections. RECIPE: find a generous high-end dealer that carries one or both models and take them home with you (leave a credit card deposit if need be) to audition in your own system at home for a couple of days. Which one do you like better?... You will know, your ears will tell the truth. Happy listening!
Im an owner of a krell fpb 300 and kav 250 krc pre go for the krell you will be able to sell it alot faster If you want to up grade I almost bought a classe 400 amp i owned ca100 good amp but the ca4oo doesnt come close to the krell although krell is way over priced If it sounds bright try dynaudio out or gershmanacoustics with a Naim 3.5 cd player you will be pleased dont for get naims up grade power supply its called a flat cap
Im an owner of a krell fpb 300 and kav 250 krc pre go for the krell you will be able to sell it alot faster If you want to up grade I almost bought a classe 400 amp i owned ca100 good amp but the ca4oo doesnt come close to the krell although krell is way over priced If it sounds bright try dynaudio out or gershmanacoustics speakers with a Naim 3.5 cd player you will be pleased dont for get naims up grade power supply its called a flat cap