Wolcott amps The best tube amps?

Ihave been reading reviews from mags and amps are supposedly tops. Is this true. Has anybody heard these?
Dkarmeli, absolutely correct on bad sound at the CES. Just read my comments listed under the "Vandersteen 5" heading. Anyway, I did hear the Lamm Audio amps (the $30,000.00) ones, and they did sound great. I do not know what, if any, lesser priced Lamm's are available, but the Wolcott is only $8495.00 retail. Although both are expensive, the Wolcott is much more affordable to most people. Maybe there is a Lamm that is just as good a value? I only saw and heard the very expensive one.
Hi Albert, Lamm does have other less expensive models, but even then the cheapestn amp is about twice the price of the Wolcotts. But then again value is relative. Most people who've bought Lamms, do'nt see the need to ever change electronics again. If you consider the savings over just a couple of upgrades, you'll see that Lamms represent amazing value. Lamm is also an established company with a great track record. This cannot be said of Wolcott which kind of appeared overnight without any guarantee of it being around in a year from now. Unfortunately the same could be said of the designer. There is no manufacturing base for Wolcott, neither is there any real back up system. So that $8500 investment could be worth nothing overnight. rgds, david k.
I believe the best amps i've heard to date is the new VIVA amps! the prices start at $9300.00 for the stereo, to $25,000.00 for the mono's. these amp are capable of driving any speaker to extreme levels!! I have already compaired them to the finest lamm amps and they are at another level. if your interested in these amps please reply. thanks
To "The3dman", how did you manage to hear the Viva amps and the Lamm Audio together? There must not be more than a half dozen of the Viva's in the whole USA. What is the chance that the Lamm is there too? Did you really hear them together or just guessing?
I bought the Wolcott amps a few weeks ago and I am enjoying the best sound I have ever experienced in my system. Deep and tightly controlled bass like a solid state and the mids and highs like a 10 watt SET. Hank Wolcott started selling these about 3 or 4 yrs. ago. He also has an unbelieved background.