Wolcott amps The best tube amps?

Ihave been reading reviews from mags and amps are supposedly tops. Is this true. Has anybody heard these?
Does anybody know where to get your hands on these wolcott amps? May be a phone #, website or dealers?
Hank Wolcott may be reached at his office at 805-527-8842. (This is in California, Pacific Time Zone) He is available for the usual business hours and is very helpful in answering questions. I understand that he has a web site too, I will try to locate and post the web address here. Hank owns an instrument company as well as Wolcott line, so don't be confused if you hear two names when he answers the phone. Not surprising, he did a lot of work for the US Government as well as JBL. He holds patents for designs used in testing for Military work, as well as the particular circuit in the Wolcott amps that get the output circuit so perfectly biased and aligned. Sorry to say that building them is a hand assembled operation, so I still do not have the pair of mono's that I have ordered. Hank promises that the assembly will be complete soon, and I will post here when I feel I have enough experience with them to make a valid comment.
I located the home page for Wolcott Audio: http://www.elan-gmk.com/wolcott/welcome.htm. Hanks e-mail address is also at this site, for those who prefer responding by e-mail rather than phone.
Hope you get them soon, Albert Porter. Looking forward to your feedback. I changed the output tubes from the ones supplied and didn't hear any significant change. They are still numero uno in my taste