Wolcott amps The best tube amps?

Ihave been reading reviews from mags and amps are supposedly tops. Is this true. Has anybody heard these?
I located the home page for Wolcott Audio: http://www.elan-gmk.com/wolcott/welcome.htm. Hanks e-mail address is also at this site, for those who prefer responding by e-mail rather than phone.
Hope you get them soon, Albert Porter. Looking forward to your feedback. I changed the output tubes from the ones supplied and didn't hear any significant change. They are still numero uno in my taste
Hope you get them soon, Albert Porter. Looking forward to your feedback. I changed the output tubes from the ones supplied and didn't hear any significant change. They are still numero uno in my taste
The promise has been made for shipment this coming week. It is hard to believe I will finally get my new Wolcott Amps. I look at my first posting here on this subject, on Jan 27th, and realize I have been waiting a long time for completion of these baby's. This latest version of the Wolcott's, with the new wide band transformers and a upgraded configuration on the damping was what I was waiting for, and having (just now) read the newly published review by Dick Olsher, I can hardly wait! If you wish to read the review, go to: http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/0700/wolcottaudio.htm This is the strongest review for an amplifier auditioned with a Soundlab speaker that I have ever read. I suspect the comments may have been just as strong if they had been auditioned with different speakers. I say this because my pursuit of this product came primarily from two very good friends recommendations, who feel as Mr. Olsher does about their Wolcotts. Neither of these guys owns Soundlab's, but describe similar performance gains in their own systems. I hope my experience will be a similar one, and I will post results here in some weeks from now.