Any comments on the Mark Levinson #383?

Mark Levinson recently announced their new No 383 Integrated amplifier. They claim "the No 383 Integrated Amplifier promises to address those installations where the size and complexity of a separate component amp/preamp system is not desirable, but performance and quality are requirements". Amplifier cost is around $6,000. Does anyone have any listening experience with this new integrated amplifier?
I have seen and heard this piece, and it is simply amazing. Did you expect anything less from Levinson? Most dealers have these now, and it would be worth your time to audition. Nobody can tell you what a component sounds like except for you. What you are getting essentially is the 334 and the 380 in one package. I hope that you enjoy it.
Just a suggestion to also listen to the Jeff Rowland Concentra integrated amp, it's an awsome sounding piece.
No doubt about that it is a good integrated amp,However I must agree with hifimark and give it a try to Jeff's Concerta or new Accuphase 407 I belive hands down better than Madrigals new babe...Jeff Rowland still the best :-)