Classe or Bryston?

Currently using a Bryston 9B with Aerial 8/surround system; not enough juice! I can augment two Classe CA-150 used as monoblocks with a CAV-75 bridged 3-way for center and rear, or just beef up the power to the 8's with another Bryston amp such as the 4B-ST. Anyone else had a similar showdown to determine the Canadian champ?
First in response to Ramstl.... Hey .... I already contributed to this thread... and voiced my opinion... then I added the opinion of stereophile... You note that you read stereophile... and since 1989 you state that it is informative. But to reference stereophile is ignorant....hmmmm sounds a bit bewildering to me. To read what a pro writes about a product is for the individual to absorb and place whatever value they feel justified in. Same as some clown on a thread that adds absolute feckless commentary. The fact that it adds absolute zero is the measure of one's absolute ignorance. You also note that they did review the Classe... (and it not in the recommended components), but start with they don't recommend amps they don't review. I get a splitting headache just trying to follow your logic. The logic displays an intellect two points greater than a stick. One more suggestion .... get a dictionary. I demo'd the classe and quickly dismissed it as an option. The dynamic range of the music was lacking. All the Bryston product line utilize the exact same crossovers. I would still recommend based on the financial considerations, (which appear to be important in your decision) sell the classe and 9b... get the Bryston powerpac ...... I use it for the front channel. The resale for Bryston is the best... why? ... Why can Bryston put a 20yr warranty? Why do they stay in business with one of the lowest budgets in advertising? The answer to the original thread is too obvious.
When Stereophile recommends a product it is a great product. When a product does not make their short recommended list it does not mean it is not a great product. I tried both with my NHT 2.9's, and the Classe CA200 sounds much better. The Bryston 4Bst was too bright for these speakers.
Ahh you should have tried those speakers with the 7b's .. Hey if your happy thats all that counts right. I run 4 Energy Veritas .with the 7B's and that works great for me. Now Hear This ...I was giving advise to the gentleman that was mixing and matching the two... I still say for the application he should run Bryston.... get rid of what he has and start over. The power pac 120s work great for home theater, actually they sound better than the 3b. You can make up your own cables and speaker wire as well and save a bundle with mono block amps. NHT makes a good speaker btw. I ran a 4B Bryston before moving up to the 7B... the nice thing about Bryston is that it is so easy to re sell and loose practically nothing. You know I sold a Bryston preamp here at audiogon and i received a great price for it. The guy that bought it used it for 8 months, bought a car and resold it for what he paid for it. Also Bryston rechecked the unit on the spot before I shipped it, fixed a loose battery assembly on the remote... and for no charge.... just some great talented people.
In response to Audioears. I will make this simple. You will not see any mention of amps Stereophile has not reviewed in there recommended issue. Of course this is just logic. How can you recommend something you haven't reviewed. Believe me, there are plently of great amps that have not been reviewed in Stereophile. Also, to reference Stereophile as the "last word" is foolishness. To use it in part as resources is smart. Call me crazy, foolish, bad grammer user or speller, but I believe the final choice should reside with one's own ears. Oh, by the way you need to check your grammer and spelling.
In response to Audioears. I will make this simple. You will not see any mention of amps Stereophile has not reviewed in there recommended issue. Of course this is just logic. How can you recommend something you haven't reviewed. Believe me, there are plently of great amps that have not been reviewed in Stereophile. Also, to reference Stereophile as the "last word" is foolishness. To use it in part as resources is smart. Call me crazy, foolish, bad grammer user or speller, but I believe the final choice should reside with one's own ears. Oh, by the way you need to check your grammer and spelling.