Classe or Bryston?

Currently using a Bryston 9B with Aerial 8/surround system; not enough juice! I can augment two Classe CA-150 used as monoblocks with a CAV-75 bridged 3-way for center and rear, or just beef up the power to the 8's with another Bryston amp such as the 4B-ST. Anyone else had a similar showdown to determine the Canadian champ?
In response to Audioears. I will make this simple. You will not see any mention of amps Stereophile has not reviewed in there recommended issue. Of course this is just logic. How can you recommend something you haven't reviewed. Believe me, there are plently of great amps that have not been reviewed in Stereophile. Also, to reference Stereophile as the "last word" is foolishness. To use it in part as resources is smart. Call me crazy, foolish, bad grammer user or speller, but I believe the final choice should reside with one's own ears. Oh, by the way you need to check your grammer and spelling.
In response to Audioears. I will make this simple. You will not see any mention of amps Stereophile has not reviewed in there recommended issue. Of course this is just logic. How can you recommend something you haven't reviewed. Believe me, there are plently of great amps that have not been reviewed in Stereophile. Also, to reference Stereophile as the "last word" is foolishness. To use it in part as resources is smart. Call me crazy, foolish, bad grammer user or speller, but I believe the final choice should reside with one's own ears. Oh, by the way you need to check your grammer and spelling.
Audioears, Yes I know it is their not there. I guess my publisher missed that one!
Ramstl.... I never suggested that Stereophile be used as the "last word"... In fact no one on this thread has... it is simply a draw on your imagination. I would agree with you that it is smart to read information in Stereophile but you have to learn to read between the lines, especially for products that are within the family of high advertisement money. Everybody does have their own preference when it comes to audio reproduction. A full, warm low end coupled by a extremely neutral midrange, and sweet clear highs... thats what i like and thats what brought me to Bryston 7B.... these factors along with all the other things i already mentioned... great warranty ... great value... great resale value ... great quality... great customer service ... They simply have it all. And thats my final answer...