Levinson vs Threshold vs Plinius vs Bry

Replacing my beloved CJ Premier 11A to power my Proac Response 2.5s with faster, deeper, tighter bass control (ie rythmic drive)without moving too far towards a dry, analytical sound. Considering the following used amps: Levinson 27.5, Threshold Stasis 200, Plinius 100, Bryston 4BST. I would really like to hear opinions of anyone with experience with these amps and especially if familiar with the Proacs. Thanks very much. Chet McHenry
I recently purchased the Jeff Rowland Concentra integrated amp for my ProAc 2.5 Speakers (also use Meridian 508.20 CD Player). This combination sounds very good to my ears and you might want to consider it. My experience with Levinson is their equipment is dark and not very musical. I have also owned the Threshold Stasis 200 amp and suggest you keep looking. Plinius makes an integrated amp (around $3K) that sounds good but the Rowland is much better. Good luck.
You could also try a Krell KAV-250a. Very musical, very authoritative bass (though not quite as much as the biggest amps). But by far the best combination of positive attributes in an affordable and convenient package; AND EXTREMELY POWERFUL (500 wpc into 4 ohms). I have no problem driving 90 db sensitivity speakers to 100 dB at a TEN FOOT listening distance in a 4200 cubic foot room. See the rave review in the January/February The Perfect Vision (the home theater magazine from The Absolute Sound). THEY CAN BE HAD USED FOR AROUND $2k.
If I were you, I'd change to tube friendly loud speakers. Von Schweikert speakers are all tube friendly. I'm currently using VAC 35 watter (half of yours) with Von Schweikert and getting planty of quality bass. Other option to consider is to buy CJ SS amp to bi-amp (vertical) or go to VTL MB250 or higher output amp. Generally, tube friendly speakers will stay within 6 to 9 ohm. A little known fact is that Von Schweikert always vioce his speakers with tube amp. Remember that there is a very good reason way you love your CJ P11A. I know the sound of it.
Your point is well taken SK regarding the P11A. I had a hard time with the decision but I feel the Proac's are even more of a special item than P11 (by a very slim margin) so I am going the route I am. I will keep my CJ Pv12 preamp however to keep most of the tube glory going. Still searching for the ideal solid state amp for listening preference and my Proac's. Thanks