NOT long ago someone mentioned the cj PREMIER 5's tube monoblocs, out of curiosity i made a few phone calls regarding these amps. TO make the long story short,I FOUND a pair,talk about tube magic, the amps where last made in 1989,uses EL34's for output stage 8 each. 200 watts in ultra linear mode.I have since sold my PREMIER 12's. preamp source is a cj 17LS,digital is a RESOLUTION AUDIO CD 50, SPEAKERS are JM LAB MEZZOS.if you love cj tube amps,don't spend a dollar until you hear these.ANY PREMIER 5's owners comments.
My next door neighbor uses Conrad Johnson Premier 5's which he outfitted with Svetlana's. Talk about magic!!! He drives a pair of Maggie 2.7qr's and will sometimes substitue his 3.5r's as well. I have never heard Handsforth Revolution by Steel Pulse sound so incredible. The control over the bass that these amps exhibit is nothing less than superb. I'm glad I found this thread, as I never have found any other owners comments about these amps. I will say I totally agree w/ you guys...I only wish they were mine, I'm sure my Thiel 3.6's would dig 'em as well.
Haven't heard the Prem 5's, but I do own Manley Ref 250 mono's which use 10 EL34 per chassis. I recently replaced Sovtek's with Svetlana's and thought it a significant improvement. You can get more power from 6550/KT90 types, but for my money, EL34's are the way to go.
Glad you use a Resolution Audio CD50. I just love mine to death! I prefer mine without a preamp. I'm not a "tube guy" yet, but plan to get a cheap tube amp for kicks.
GTs87, how does the Premier 5 better the Premier 12? I currently own and love the Premier 12 (with KT90's) but could use more power for my Sonus Faber Extremas, could the Premier 5 be the answer? I'd love 8A's but can't afford them for now. Thanks in advance for your reply.