How does audio playback sound on Toshiba SD-9200

I am heavily considering a Toshiba SD-9200 but I need a one box solution. . .so I was wondering if anyone can rate cd audio playback on this machine? I am also thinking about the DV-09, DVD-5000?

The CD audio on this player is VERY good and I am very satidfied with mine as a CD player. It is built like a tank and I am very happy with mine. And, for 500$ or so used you have a very nice DVD player as well as a nice sounding CD.

Detailed, rich sounding unit with expansive sound stage, hefty and articulate bass response. Very well made. Excellant video as well. Too much of a bargain to pass up, in my opinion. Only drawback that I can see, is that it does NOT play SACDs, if that is important to you (it was not important to me).
I have this unit and the CD playback is excellent. The unit is very well made...copper sheilding everywhere on the inside and is built like a brick. I am extremely happy with mine.
The Sony DVP e9000es DVD/SACD/CD player has repeatedly received the highest review ratings from TAS and others and is built like a small tank at 30 +lbs.. Used they go for about $600 to $800.

I own the e9000es and it is an excellent bang for the buck system that does so much so well.

I also own Sony's SCD-1 player which at more than 3x's the price is of course sonically superior.