What's up with the conrad-johnson 11amp

I've been a c-j owner for 15 years and have always loved their stuff,especially the power amps. I'm curious as to why there are so many Premier 11 amps for sale on this site-you see what seems like one or two every day! Are they not powerful enough to drive typical speakers,do they not sound good,or what? Fill me in if you have first hand experience with these amps. Thanks!
I just sold my 11'a at auction. It was a great amp but not enough power to properly drive my M-L reQuests. My new 8a's at 275 WPC made a huge difference. If 70 WPC will drive your speakers properly, the 11a is a wonderful amp. Scott
Chuck,I think you are correct.I am one of the people who has an 11A for sale on here.I use it with Thiel 2.3's and it drives them fine,although a little lacking in the bass department.We all know that this is somewhat common with tube equipment.When I bought this amp I said to my friend "70amps is not enough power for me".His reply was that this is no ordinary 70 wpc.He was so right.This amp is as robust as they come for a 70 watter.I absolutely love the sound,almost zero distortion,and the hotter those tubes get the more 3 dimensional the sound becomes.I however am selling mine because I want more power.Looking to buy Premier 12's.I guess you can never have enough power.My friend calls me "The Hammer" because I love it loud.Don't be swayed by all the ads on here for Prem 11A.Go listen to one and if you like it buy it.I highly recommend it!!!
el34--i'm purchasing a pair of premier 12's (moving up from my mv55). in this pursuit, i've spoken/corresponded with a number of cj owners. many of the permier 12 owners that i've spoken with (like 4 of 6 or thereabout) previously owned the 11a. they all had nothing but good things to say about the 11a. pretty much consistant with what chuck, schiss and dako have written--great amp, but let's have some more power. i have not heard/read one bad review of the 11a. and it took me much listening (to the 11a, the 11xs and the 12's) and soul searching to decide to bypass the 11a and move right up to the 12's. i was really, really impress with both the 11a and the 11xs.