Best Pre-Amp with Phono Stage

I'm looking for a great Pre-amp, mainly for it's Phono stage. I want to stay around $3000.00 used. A little about my system: I'm using a Sim audio Moon W-5 into B&W N802's, Nordost SPM cables with quatro fil interconnects. I need a great Phono Pre-amp. My digital is a Wadia 860, and I run that direct into the amp, so that isn't a concern. Please help.
With these preferences, I think you are needlessly constraining yourself by looking for a preamp with a phono stage built in. You can get a spiffy phono pre for around 1k used (I like the ARC PH3, but it isn't the only choice) and materially increase the number of your options for a 2k used nonphono pre to run it through. Folks with your preferences were the whole reason behind the availability of outboard phono pres even when virtually all one box preamps still had phono stages.
Get a used counterpoint sa-5000 or sa-5.1, have it modified at, and sit back as these full-featured preamps blow away the competition. Really! At under $3k total.
Sorry to avguygeorge, didn't think I was condeming anyone. 59burst asked a question and I gave my opinion based on my expierience. Thought that was the idea of this forum. Peace avguygeorge!
The THOR is a wonderful preamp with phono; or check out the line and phono separates
Me too,Bryceeboy.(sorry) I get carried away time to time.And yes I was a little testie defending my pre amps' honor.It "speaks" to me,but can't defend itself.I love this site.I'm new here,-2 weeks.Heck, I hadn't thought about sep.phono stage.See all the help we get here.Would love to hear Atma-Sphere. This site allows many products previously out of MY reach to become accessible.The dealers must/or should be worried. Buying used and having a place to sell your used stuff is GREAT. The dealers have had it their way to long.