Best Pre-Amp with Phono Stage

I'm looking for a great Pre-amp, mainly for it's Phono stage. I want to stay around $3000.00 used. A little about my system: I'm using a Sim audio Moon W-5 into B&W N802's, Nordost SPM cables with quatro fil interconnects. I need a great Phono Pre-amp. My digital is a Wadia 860, and I run that direct into the amp, so that isn't a concern. Please help.
Thank's to all on there feedback. Looks like some of you became friends out of this. I ended up getting a Spectral DMC-20. It just kinda spoke to me when I auditioned it.
all the above mentioned pre amp are very good my choice for used would be a krell krs2 or an Airtight atc-2 if you could find one and then buy a separate phono stage
BAT VK-30 or better yet, VK-30SE with BAT phono board. A wonderfully constructed and musical piece - great onebox solution. Natural and dimensional like you wouldn't believe.
Here are three: CAT (any model), Ayre K1 or K3, Hovland HP-100. The Ayre K1 will be very difficult to find under 3k, however. But it is definitely worth a listen, especially for its phono section.