BATVK500 in Plinius league?

I have a chance to buy a used BAT VK500 plus BATPAK for my Apogee Duetta Signature speakers (currently use Classe DR9) Plinius has been suggested as a good option, but is nearly twice the price than I can get the BAT for. Any comments on how the BAT stacks up against Plinius amps? (or other amps, Classe, Krell,)
I have not heard either the Plinius or the BAT 500, but I have just recently purchased a VK-200. I would like to say it is the most realistic, musical, tube-like SS amplifier I have ever heard, including Krell, Aragon, Levinson, Proceed, ARC, Bryston, Clayton. It is very naturally balanced, without that ear-ringing, in-your-face highs and bloated, pounding bass so many SS designs put forth. Everything is there, including spacious, smooth, realistic midrange and tons of detail. If you want to hear something close to real music (I attend many concerts), try the BAT. They are selling at ridiculously low prices simply because they are currently not "the" hot topic amplifier. Mores the pity for audio in general, but lucky for us.
Madisonears, Which Clayton(s) have you listened to that you are comparing to? Thanks, John
I think you would have to listen for yourself. I have a Plinius SA-100 MK III and, although I think it does produce class A sound and I like it very much, it is not perfect in every way. They do have a smooth midrange, slightly tipped towards emphasis in the upper mids, a beautiful lower midrange, an outrageously powerful midbass but not a lot of bass extension below that range. High frequencies may be slightly rolled off. One thing is the sound is extremely dynamic and absolutely clean, but not as completely neutral as some of the great amps around today, like Pass Aleph 4. I wouldn't call it "colored", but in comparison ..., you will see. Also not the last word in detail. I still think it should be way ahead of your Classe and less bright, although I don't think I have heard that model. I don't remember which BAT I heard. It was either a BAT VK-50 or VK-500 with BAT VK-5 and B&W Nautilus 802 and the sound was lifeless to my ears. The Plinius is not lifeless. So check it out yourself and let us know! How much were yoiu looking to pay? I don't see used Plinius SA-100's going for more than $2500-$2600.