BATVK500 in Plinius league?

I have a chance to buy a used BAT VK500 plus BATPAK for my Apogee Duetta Signature speakers (currently use Classe DR9) Plinius has been suggested as a good option, but is nearly twice the price than I can get the BAT for. Any comments on how the BAT stacks up against Plinius amps? (or other amps, Classe, Krell,)
I would consider the Plinius to be a big step over any Classe which I have heard as well as the BAT. However, I cannot tell you whether the cost difference between the amps is worth it to you. It would be worth it to me, however.
I also wouldn't rule out a Pass Aleph 4. There seems to be a used one available on Audiogon right now for $2900.00! These listed for about $7000.00 only a little while ago. The Aleph 4 is not as dynamic, nor does it have the bass slam of the Plinius.Since I have both the Aleph 4 and the Plinius SA-100, I can say that the Aleph 4 beats the Plinius in low and high frequency extension, detail,soundstage and neutrality. That is not to say the Plinius isn't a fine amp. It is. But it's not in the Aleph 4's class. I can't say how much the Plinius SA-250 follows in the footsteps of the SA-100, because I am not all that familiar with the SA-250. But anyway, $2900 for an Aleph 4 seems like a way to have your cake and eat it too.
I also wouldn't rule out a Pass Aleph 4. There seems to be a used one available on Audiogon right now for $2900.00! These listed for about $7000.00 only a little while ago. The Aleph 4 is not as dynamic, nor does it have the bass slam of the Plinius.Since I have both the Aleph 4 and the Plinius SA-100, I can say that the Aleph 4 beats the Plinius in low and high frequency extension, detail,soundstage and neutrality. That is not to say the Plinius isn't a fine amp. It is. But it's not in the Aleph 4's class. I can't say how much the Plinius SA-250 follows in the footsteps of the SA-100, because I am not all that familiar with the SA-250. But anyway, $2900 for an Aleph 4 seems like a way to have your cake and eat it too.