Best used amp $750 range

best used amp in the $750 range, have a Classe pre but that will probably be sold soon thanks
I'm sure there are other good amps out there, but I would give the McCormack DNA-.5 a serious look.
The Forte 4a gets my vote. $600-700 used on the net. Very engaging. Will definately get your foot tapping.
For the money:Spectral DMA-50, it does not have high current but it will drive most 6-8 ohm speakers. Buy two and use in the mono mode. Works stunning well with electrostats or magneticplanars. Awesome clarity, transparency, and timbre. If you like tubes an older D-115 from ARC is great, should be able to pick one up for $800 or so. The midrange will be lush and liquid. The Mk2 version was a definite improvement.