Best used 5 channels amp. for both music and movies

I am looking for a good used 5 channels power amp that will be used 75% for music and 25% for movies. After a few weeks of reading reviews, I came up with a list of amp that is listed from best to worst. Please comment if I am wrong

1. Krell KAV-500
2. Classe CAV-150
3. Proceed Amp-5
4. Pass Labs x5
5. Bryston 9B
6. Aragon 8008x5
7. Sunfire Grand Cinema Signature
8. Parasound HCA-2205
9. Acurus A200x5
10. ATI AT2505

Thanks in advance for your help
There are a great number of variables in choosing a
suitable multi-channel amp for both HT and music. These
include among other factors - room and screen size, the
types of films you tend to enjoy, your source components
and cables, what sort of music you tend to enjoy, speaker
placement, and the types of speakers you will be driving.
As Brian mentiond above, you might want to look into
a multi-channel amp from McIntosh. While not frequently
reviewed, they tend to be well balanced for two channel
music use. And long after issues of price have been forgotten; the McIntosh amps will be giving you solid,
dependable service.
I think the California Audio Labs MCA 2500 should be at the top of your list. It was a steal for the price that I paid for the performance I get. Best piece of audio gear that I have ever purchased.
Who needs used? J&R in N.Y.C. has Harmon-Kardon 2.1 Signature Amps. (reconditioned-2 yr. Factory warranty) for $499.00 (MSRP @$1600). 5X100 wpc

Subdoofus ( gotta luv it), what do you mean "why is everyone so pseudo-price conscience" ??? Sean