integrated amps

Who makes a really good integrated amp, solid state or tube ?
For amps I've listened to, these sound the best to me. Solid state, Jeff Rowland. For tube, Jadis Orchestra Reference(not Orchestra!) or the DA-30. Both Jadis amps are basically the same in the power amp section(4 KT90's + 2 12AX7's), the preamp section on the Orchestra Reference is passive, on the DA-30 it is active. I prefer passive. The DA-30 costs about $2000 more. The Orchestra Reference is newer, has their new KILLER cosmetics featuring stainless steel, 24K gold plated brass, and wood. The Orchestra Reference also has bass and treble controls(they want to see if there is a desire out there for these), don't worry about the sound being affected, the preamp is PASSIVE. Why is the Orchestra Reference so much better than an Orchestra? MASSIVE transformers(compared to only "huge" in the Orchestra), better internals, cosmetics, power, bass, sound, + the cosmetics. They really should have come up with a different name to avoid the confusion with an amp that is "only" rated Class A by Stereophile. In short the Orchestra Reference beats the smaller Jadis like a rented mule.
Cary 300sei-appx 15 wattsof magic. No i don't own it but have auditioned it many times. it is on my wish list for my bedroom system. For my sytem I have Classe seperates. Which are very good by the way.
The Classe' CAP100 (Not in production, replaced by the 150/151 has been a very nice integrated. I've run it for almost 3 years with little complaint. Sounds great! (Rega Planet/Oracle Delphi III/Magnaplanar 2.7) Very flexible, plenty of Oomff, a cover on stereophile once. I periodically think I need more, but when I listen, its all there. The only rub....If I were to upgrade, the pre-amp section is probably the weaker half of the unit.