Speakers with Rotel amp

I'd like to get suggestions for speakers that match well with the Rotel RB-991 amp using the Rotel RX-975 as a pre-amp. I don't have room for electrostatics and enjoy jazz, classical and female vocals(Bonnie Raitt/Diana Krall). Thanks
Start with the amps.I am not a fan of Rotel.Mi FI at best.The fatigue is painfullafter a short listen.Made in China.I am sorry not much will sound good with the Rotel.The guy with the Radio Shack comment was not far off.The AMP are not very good.
Thanks to all of you who have sent thoughtful and intelligent responses so far. I am new to the audiophile world and find your responses to be a great help. My budget is $2500 or less. The Vandes 2Ce signatures I have heard, but with Adcom electronics. I have read alot of great reviews on the Audioreview site about these speakers. The bass seemed weak but the saleman said to expect more bass when placed in the home so I may try to demo those at home with the Rotel. I definitely want some punch(but not boom)to my bass. I auditioned a pair of Thiel 1.5s today with the Linn Majik and a Linn CD player. The Thiels sounded great. Nice bass and terrific midrange. Any comments about Thiels with the Rotel ?
What are you using for a cd player.I still think you need to revisit you amps.What are your present speakers.
I would stick with the vandys 2ce sig as they always seem to have more bass in home (ask to borrow the floor pair as they are most likely broken in). I don't know what you front end is but I'd work on a preamp next (tubes will make you drool) unless your front end is really bad (ie mass market cd player with no d/a. Macdonj is right rotel can be tilted up that why I suggest tube pre and if you can leave your equipment on all the time as that will tame some of the harshness
Thanks again all. My goal is to put together a system piece by piece over the next 3-6 months. Budget for the whole system would be $4-5 K. I started with the Rotel receiver and agree it is not the best but wanted something to hold me over until I can afford higher end stuff. I thought I would get speakers next(spending $2500 or less), then upgrade to better electronics. Since I could use the Rotel as a pre-amp I thought a better amp would make a difference. What I'm hearing is I should probably reconsider the Rotel. I've listened to CD players from NAD, Linn and Marantz. Linn was by far the best. I have heard alot about the Rega Planet but have not auditioned it yet.