Placette anyone have any opinions?

I have just sold my AR LS-7 preamp with the intent of buying a Placette volume control, I own a Rogue 88 amp and a Marantz se-67 cd player with Nordosts wires and cables, also looking to buy a MSB DAC III soon, please give me advice on what I can expect with the Placette, thanks NIck
I have had the Placette Audio Active Linestage in my system for the last 6 months. I have found it to be absolutely outstanding...and getting better with time. Very transparent and allows for excellent detail. I find it to be better in A-B comparison to Krell and Levinson. I a-b'd it with a Morrison ELAD for 2 months and found them to be sonically quite similar.....but in the end I preferred the sound of the Placette which was a touch less bright. Perhaps a better match with my other components. Also I needed the convenience of the remote. You can't really go wrong with either!!!!
I am a bit puzzled by the last two posts. The full-function Placette (approx $4K), which I have, CAN be built with gain. But the standard unit is buffered passive all the way.

ALthough the ergonomics could be better, this thing strikes me as damn near unbeatable sonically. Dan.

If you do not need your preamp to add or mask some character, I don't think you could do any better than the buffered version of the Placette. I have not found either a SS or tube preamp to better it despite trying everything I could get my hands on. If you want the purely passive model, then you are getting a fantastic bargain, but with some of the trade-offs of a passive pre. I find passive pres give wonderful resolution, transparency and microdynamics, but will always be somewhat underdone in macrodynamics, but the passive Placette is so good you may not care. In terms of sound, they are kind of "not there", but all the music is certainly there, except for a slight degree of added sparkle (but not brightness).