Sunfire with Martin Logans

I've got a pair of Martin Logan ReQuests and am looking for a new amp to properly power them. Everyone talks about the need for lots of current, the ability to handle loads down to/below 2 ohms and the benefits of tubes in taming a tendency toward briteness. Given all the above, it would seem that the Sunfire "load invariant" amps (basic or signature models) would be ideal matches, yet I don't seem much discussion of them here. At least not paired with Martin Logans. Does anyone out there have any experience with this pairing? Please advise.
Your speaker deserve better.Find a good tube amp to drive these.Rogue make a nice Monoblock.Email them at and ask if they ara good match.
I am presently using a (BAT) Balanced Audio Tech VK500 (450 watts into 4 ohms)Bi-wired that drives the Request with no problem. It is a solid state amp with a tube sound that you can listen to for hours without the solid state headache. You can download info from the website. There are a few on Audiogon for Sale.
I have a pair of statements, I use two sunfire signatures to drive them , the sound is incredible, I had a pair of levinson 336 amps the sunfire s are way better in my set up , I use a levinson 380s 39 and 360s for a front end all going thru ps 300 power plants,I use all transparent ref xl cables, If I didnt hear it for myself I would not of believed it the amps bettered in sonics and power. I also had requests and monoliths with good results. Im going to try vtl 750 or 1250 wotans but then again im at the price per gain,?