Best speakers for 2A3 SET amplifier?

What is the best speaker for a 3.5 watt/channel amplifier?
Thanks, Doug! The most I have read about the Edgarhorns is via Dick Olsher's From what I remember, the reviewer's liked them(including Dick, whose opinion I used to often agree with when he was at Stereophile). And, it led me to check out their site. I saw some manufacturer's horn site(that said theirs overcame coloration), but I don't remember if this was a different company or not. But, it was someone's horn(other than Avantgarde). It's been a long time, and I looked at countless sites since in pursuit of this hobby... I would look into Avantgarde were it not for their price. I am sure that horns/SET's will get a mojor boost via the Stereophile review. Many people have been lusting for SET, but speakers were the limiting factor. I now believe that horns will again become fashionable.
Trelja, I am also setting up a second system with the 2A3 amplifier. The amp is the only component that is set (no pun intended!), i.e. I just ordered a Fi Super X from Don Garber. I have considered Avant Garde DUOs, but I am put off a little by the size and cost. Have you looked into the Pioneer speakers (, I heard that they are very nice. Any opinions on the old Klipschhorns? There was a nice pair for sale recently on Audiogon (unfortunately, I don't have a house with 2 unobstructed adjacent corners!
Coincident work really well with these types of amps very easy to drive.The soundstage and image are incredible at their price points.
Don't forget the Kochel's. 97db, nice looking too. Kind of halfway between a horn like Avantgarde and normal dynamic speakers. Great sound, best piano I've ever heard. I have a pair and use a 300B SET amp on them.
Hi all, I have heard the Avantgarde, Edgarhorns and Kockels. I thought the Kockels sounded best. For the money don't forget the Klipsch KLF 30. Thats what I ended up using with my 5 watt system to save $ (kids factor)