Best Power Amp for Adcom GFP 750 Pre?

What is the best matching Power-Amp. for Adcom GFP 750 pre-amplifiers? Thanks.
Well I'm a firm believer in sticking with same manufacturers. . .so I say go with and Adcom amp. ..
I used the GFP 750 with a Pass Aleph 3 and it was a great match. Or if you need more power Aleph 2 monos. The GFP 750 IMO sounds a lot more transparent in passive mode. If your speakers are 89db @8ohms efficient you should be able to get plenty of volume with the 30watts per channel Aleph 3.
I have heard the 750 matched with a beefy Mac tube amp.The active mode sounded ok,the passive mode dry amd uninvolving.I would match the 750 with a C.J-55.The 750 needs all the liquidity it can get from an amp.Its just too dry.As far as the Aleph-3 as a match,maybe so but not in the passive mode.You would never get enough volumn and dynamics.The Alepth-3 needs more than unity gain.
I've used the gfp with Sonic Frontiers, AR and mccormack amps. I didn't think it mated well with the AR amplifier. There was quite a difference in sound quality using the preamp verses the CD direct. I recently put one together with the mccormack and find that the system actually sounds better with the preamp (in passive). The active mode isn't bad either, but does lose a little detail. I find that my tuner doesn't have enough oomph (how do you spell oomph?) to drive the passive mode well.
Passive mode works fine with the Aleph 3, I actually owned the combo. with the volume knob at 2 o clock you can drive 91db speakers to 100db or so. Active mode isn't too bad, but I experienced what Johns said as well, you lose a little detail.