Best DVD Player $2000.00 new or used

I have a Pioneer Elite Pro610HD RPTV and a looking for the best DVD Player in the $2000.00 range new or used. I am strongly considering a Proceed PMDT. Video quality is #1 priority. Thanks, Henry
I would buy a 500 DVD player and a Iscan HD. Not only will your DVD playback looks stellar , but your digital TV channels will as well.
Goose89, you simply cannot go wrong with the PMDT. It is without equal. As a transport, it is stunning. The depth of subtle detail that this transport can convey simply makes it superior to any transport out there with very few exceptions. I've personally owned other great transports from Theta, EAD and others... but the PMDT is the clear champion.

As a DVD player, it delivers an absolutely beautiful picture (along with its awesome sound). Just make sure you get one with the latest firmware (3.0+). I believe it's up to 3.01. That solved all known issues that had plagued some of the earlier releases. I have yet to come across any issues, new or old.

I've owned Faroudja, Marantz, etc... DVD players. The PMDT is far superior.

The PMDT is the only DVD player or transport that is not based on any pre-existing Pioneer, Sony, Teac, Philips or other major's system, which is the case with all other ultra high-end decks... Theta, EAD, Meridian, etc... The PMDT was built from scratch from the ground up, without any limitations to hamper its capabilities.

Hope this helps.
Goose- Good recommendation by Vectorman, but he left out one very important piece of information. The PMDT is no longer in production and one can only hope that Harmon International will continue to support it. As they seem hell bent to make Lexicon their high-end standard, all else may fall to the wayside (including Mark Levinson??).