Best DVD Player $2000.00 new or used

I have a Pioneer Elite Pro610HD RPTV and a looking for the best DVD Player in the $2000.00 range new or used. I am strongly considering a Proceed PMDT. Video quality is #1 priority. Thanks, Henry
If I were adverse to aftermarket mods, I would probably go Arcam, myself. As it is, though, I have a Sony DVP-NS999ES on its way to me, and then it will be fired off to Dan Wright at ModWright for the Signature Truth Tube mod (and some others). Obviously, I won't know until I get it back, but from all I have read, I am hoping that my total investment (which should be under $2,000) will be very competitive in that price range.

I've owned the PMDT from what seems like the beginning of time. It was a major pain in the a$$ and I've had many chances to trade-up to a different player. I've tried the Meridian 596, Sim Audio Stellar, Camelot Round Table, etc and none were close. My PMDT didn't even have the progressive board.
Now with the ver3 software, it is 99.9% stable. I'm glad I toughed it out because there simply wasn't a better performing dvd/ CD transport for me. If I had the extra $$$, I would buy another one just for the hell of it. It's a steal for what they're going for.
Correction. After e-mail correspondence with Dan, I am opting to pick up a Denon 2900 and have him apply the Signature Truth and MCH mods. Dan claims that the end result exceeds the modded Sony, and your money is still close to $2,000.

Russ_I, you have a valid point. Yes, Proceed has been phased out. But Harman has assured me that they will honor the lives of their service warranties on Proceed products.

Goose89, just also keep in mind that the PMDT is engineered like no other deck. It is solid! Heavy! and smooth! When the tray slides out, you can't hear it. It is precise and silent. No motor or gear noise. No tray rattle, whatsoever. The tray itself is carved from one solid piece of aluminum, similar to what Mark Levinson employs on their high-end transports. Not plastic like all the others. It was well worth its $6000 price tag, and at $2000 (give or take) for units with warranty, it's a steal!